Land Records

E-Recording Now Available


Please note that the Office of the Clerk is prohibited by law from rendering any legal advice and performing title searches.
The links below may be used to research land records, liens, and plats on-line.

In addition to records available at the Clerk's Office, the Maryland State Archives is the central repository for government records dating back to the founding of Maryland in 1634. For more information, see Historical Records.

The Recording Process

Recording Hours 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

How to Record a Deed in Queen Anne’s County

Prior to presenting a deed for recording at the Clerk’s Office, all deeds must be reviewed and stamped by the Finance Office of Queen Anne’s County, located at 107 N. Liberty Street, Centreville, Maryland, 21617, 410-758-0414.
Any deed or document that effects a change of ownership must be accompanied by:

  • A complete Intake Sheet.
  • A copy of the complete deed and intake sheet for submission to the Department of Assessment and Taxation.
  • A certificate of preparation by a Maryland Attorney or one of the parties named in the instrument.
  • A check payable to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Queen Anne’s County for the proper amount of recording fees, state recordation tax, and state and county transfer taxes. (See Costs.)
  • A certificate of residency and/or an affidavit of total payment amount of the Non-Resident Withholding Tax made payable to the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Queen Anne’s County. You may obtain more information on the certificate of residency and/or total payment of Non-Resident Withholding tax by calling 1-800-638-2937 or on the Comptroller’s Web site. Also see the Withholding Forms.
  • Names must be typed or printed above or below signatures.

Deeds will not be accepted unless all the prerequisites to recording have been met. Please refer to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Real Property §3-104: Prerequisites of recording for more information.
Note: All deeds and other recorded instruments are scanned, therefore they must conform to the following requirements: Any Deed or other instrument offered for recordation shall be printed in not less than eight-point type and in black letters and be on white paper of sufficient weight and thickness to be clearly readable. A page shall be no larger than 8 ½ inches wide by 14 inches long.


May include Recording Costs, Surcharges, and Taxes.


Annotated Code of Maryland, Real Property §3-601

  • $10.00 for a release 9 pages or less in length
  • $20.00 for any other instrument 9 pages or less in length or for an instrument regardless of length, involving solely a principal residence.
  • $75.00 for any other instrument 10 pages or more in length.
  • $15.00 for recording a Request for Notice of Sale


NOTE: Effective July 1, 2011, Queen Anne's County land record fees will increase. More information.
As of July 1, 2011, $40.00 for all instruments except: Notice of Sale, Power of Attorney, and Plats.


All taxes are collected by the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Queen Anne’s County. Please make checks payable to the same.

Recordation Taxes

$4.95 per $500.00, round up to the nearest $500.00.

State Transfer Tax Rate

1/2 of 1% of the consideration or 1/4 of 1% of the consideration (payable entirely by the seller) for First Time Maryland Homebuyers who occupy the property as their principal residence. Grantees must sign a statement under oath confirming compliance with qualifications, however, a co-maker or guarantor will not be required to occupy the property.

County Transfer Tax Rate

1/2 of 1% of the consideration, or same as State rate (1/4 of 1%) if First Time Maryland Homebuyer.
You may obtain copies of records at .50 cents per page.

Refund of Tax and License Fees

If you believe that you erroneously paid tax and license fees, you may file a Claim for Refund of Tax and License Fees Erroneously Paid to the State of Maryland through the Clerks of Court.



Plats are recorded in the Land Records Department. Please refer to the Annotated Code of Maryland, Real Property §3-108.1: Queen Anne’s County for more information regarding the recording of plats.  The fee for recording a plat is $25.00 payable to the Clerk.

Homeowner’s Association Disclosures


$50.00 for the initial filing. Copies at .50 cents per page. $5.00 per page up to $25.00 for amendments to documents.


The land records department records District Court liens, State Tax Liens, and Federal Tax Liens. See Circuit Court Fee Schedule.