The records maintained by the Clerk's Office are available to the public for review; however, juvenile and adoption case records can be accessed only through an order of the Court. Civil and criminal case information for most circuit courts is available online through Case Search. However, some records for Queen Anne's County Circuit Court may be found in the Clerk's office on "Papervision" and not available on case search:
- Equity Dockets - 1975 to July 1984
- Law Dockets - 1944 to July 1984
- Civil Dockets - July 1984 to March 1999
- Paternity Dockets - 1964 to March 1999
- Criminal Dockets - 1945 to November 2000
- Divorce Decrees
Request for Copy of a Judgment of Divorce or Order for Name Change (PDF)

In addition to records available at the Clerk's Office, the Maryland State Archives is the central repository for government records dating back to the founding of Maryland in 1634. For more information, see Historical Records.
The following is a partial list of the types of cases filed and processed by the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court:
- With certain exceptions, matters which involve a claim for damages in excess of $30,000 are filed with the Circuit Court. In general, concurrent jurisdiction is shared with the District Court in matters which involve a claim for an amount between $5,000 and $30,000.
- Judicial Review of Administrative Agency Decisions
- Appeals from the District Court
- Matters which involve domestic relations, titles to property, foreclosures, mechanics liens and injunctions
- Adoption and Paternity Matters
- Guardianships
- Name changes
- Felony and certain misdemeanor charges filed by the Grand Jury or the State's Attorney
- Appeals from the District Court and requests for jury trials
- Juvenile cases may include any matter brought before the Court which involve persons under the age of eighteen years.
Liens and Judgments
- Liens and judgments including encumbrances, Federal tax liens, hospital liens, Maryland tax liens, District Court liens, civil judgments, and United States District Court judgments are recorded in the Office of the Clerk.
Miscellaneous Records
- Homeowners Association
- Charters and Acts of Incorporation
- Ordinances
- Financing Statements (prior to July 1, 1995)
- Military Discharges
Homeowners Association, Charters and Acts of Incorporation, Request for Notice of Sale, County Ordinances may be found in the Clerk's office on "Papervision."
Please note that the Office of the Clerk is prohibited by Law from rendering any legal advice.