District Court Forms by Category
Most forms used in the District Court are contained in this index.
Using Search will allow you to filter the list of titles by form number or keyword. If you are searching by form number, the number format must end with three numeric digits (example: DC-CV-001 or DCCV001).
List of links:
- All Maryland court forms: Judiciary Court Form Search
- Forms in the Guide & File interview format: Guide & File
- Form Instructions, Costs, Accessibility & Important Information
Form Revision Notification Service
- Notice to MDEC Filers - Paper Submissions
- Restricted Information
- Law Enforcement forms (Authorization Required; contact: District Court)
- Commissioner Criminal forms (Non-Law Enforcement)
- Translated Forms Index: En Español | En Français | На русском|한국어 | 在中國
Request for New/Revised forms
Requests to amend and/or create a District Court, Circuit Court, or joint form should be submitted on form CC-DC-076, Judiciary New and Revised Form Request. Please include any mark-ups and supporting documentation, with your request to: [email protected]
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
ADR-001 | Alternative Dispute Resolution Volunteer Application | |||
ADR-013 | Mediation Quick Tip Sheet | |||
DC-044BR | Mediation Brochure |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
CC-DC-013 | Petition for Emergency Evaluation | Use this form to petition to have an individual (evaluee) who presents a danger to the life or safety of themselves or others taken to an emergency room by law enforcement for the purpose of examination to determine if they meet the criteria to be admitted to a psychiatric facility. |
CC-DC-013BR | How to File for an Emergency Evaluation | |||
CC-DC-014 | Certification by Peace Officer, Physician, or other Qualified Person | Use this form if you are law enforcement, a physician, or other qualified person to certify personal observation of the evaluee or the evaluee’s behavior and based on the observation or other information have reason to believe that the evaluee has a mental disorder and presents a danger to the life or safety to themselves or others. |
CC-DC-041 | Request for Spoken Language Interpreter | 1 |
Use this form if you need the court to assign a free interpreter in your case. Learn more about Court Language Services at mdcourts.gov/courts/courtlanguageservices |
CC-DC-049 | Request for Accommodation for Person with Disability | 1 | Use this form to request accommodation(s) under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). NOTE: File your request with the court in which the case will be heard at least 30 days before your court date. |
CC-DC-050 | Americans With Disabilities Act Grievance Form | Use this form to file a grievance if your request for accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) is denied. NOTE: This form should be submitted to the Fair Practices Department as soon as possible, but no later than 120 calendar days after the denial. |
CC-DC-052 | Request to Shield My Address / Telephone Number in a Criminal Case Record | Use this form to request the shielding of your address or telephone number if you are a victim, victim’s representative, or witness in a peace order, protective order, or a criminal action. NOTE: If your request is denied, you have the right to file a motion (form CC-DC-053). |
CC-DC-053 | Motion to Seal or Otherwise Limit Inspection of a Case Record | Use this form to request the court seal or otherwise limit inspection of a case record, or parts of records, that are not otherwise shielded from inspection under the Rules or other applicable law and you are: (1) a party to the action, (2) a person permitted to intervene as a party, or (3) a person subject of or specifically identified in the case. |
CC-DC-054 | Motion to Permit Inspection of a Case Record | Use this form to request the court to allow inspection of a case record filed in that action that is not otherwise subject to inspection under the Rules or other applicable law and you are: (1) a party to the action, (2) a person permitted to intervene as a party, or (3) a person subject of or specifically identified in the case. |
CC-DC-067 | Certificate of Service - First Class Mail | Use this form to certify specified documents were served (making sure the necessary parties get a copy of the papers being filed with the court) by first-class mail. |
CC-DC-070 | Motion for Continuance / Postponement | 1 |
CC-DC-076 | Judiciary New/Revised Form Request | Use this form to request revision or creation of District Court, Circuit Court, and joint judiciary forms. NOTE: Include any mark-ups and supporting documentation, with your request to: [email protected] |
CC-DC-080BR | Do You Need a Court Interpreter? | This brochure explains the process for asking the court for a free court interpreter in a case. |
CC-DC-081BR | Working Effectively with Interpreters in the Courtroom | |||
CC-DC-084 | Notice of Appearance | Use this form if you are an attorney entering your appearance to represent the defendant/plaintiff/other party in a court case. |
CC-DC-088 | Statement in Support of Waiver of Prepaid Costs by Clerk | 1 | Use this form if you are an attorney retained through: Maryland Legal Aid, the Office of the Public Defender, or a pro bono or legal services program representing an individual and want to request the waiver of prepayment of prepaid costs without the need for a court order. |
CC-DC-089 | Request for Waiver of Prepaid Costs | Use this form if you are unable to pay the court filing fees and want to ask the court to waive fees at the beginning of the case. Visit mdcourts.gov/legalhelp/filingfeewaivers for more information. If you have a lawyer, contact them concerning your ability to pay. Different procedures apply if you are represented by a lawyer with a Maryland civil legal aid organization.
CC-DC-090 | Request for Final Waiver of Open Costs | Use this form if the court has ordered you to pay some or all of the costs at the end of your case and you cannot afford to pay. Visit mdcourts.gov/legalhelp/filingfeewaivers for more information. |
CC-DC-091 | Request for Waiver of Prepaid Costs for Assembling the Record for an Appeal | Use this form if you are unable to pay the costs associated with assembling the record for an appeal to request a waiver. You must also submit the CC-DC-092 – Request for Waiver of Prepaid Appellate Costs. Visit mdcourts.gov/legalhelp/filingfeewaivers for more information. Note: The forms permit you to request a waiver of the costs of preparing the transcript, an essential part of the appeal process, in the District Court only. If your original case was heard in Circuit Court, the court cannot waive the transcript costs. You will need to pay for the costs of preparing the transcripts in those cases yourself, in order for your case to proceed. |
CC-DC-092 | Request for Waiver of Prepaid Appellate Costs | Use this form if you cannot afford to pay the costs of filing an appeal and you want to request that these costs be waived. |
CC-DC-095 | Acknowledgement of Scope of Limited Representation | |||
CC-DC-096 | Motion to Seal Court Records Relating to a Petition for Emergency Evaluation of a Minor | Use this form to file a motion to seal court records relating to a petition for emergency evaluation if the individual was a minor at the time the petition was made or sought. |
CC-DC-107A | Request for Text Message Notifications - Parent or Legal Guardian of Juvenile Charged as an Adult | |||
CC-DC-108 | Request to Issue a Body Attachment | Use this form if an order for body attachment has been granted by the court due to the defendant failing to appear and you as the plaintiff wish the court to issue a body attachment for contempt of court. |
CC-DC-110 | Motion for Remote Participation |
Use this form to request a remote hearing or to appear remotely. Learn more about remote hearings at mdcourts.gov/legalhelp/remotehearing |
CC-DC-JPR-007 | Special Officer Petition for Legal Fees | Use this form if you were a panel attorney in a criminal case in order to document your billable hours and expenses for legal fees incurred. |
CC-DC-JPR-008 | Special Officer Final Report | Use this form if you were a panel attorney in a criminal case in order to document your final report, which includes: client information, charges, pleas, hours, dates of appearances, disposition, and appeal information. |
DC-001 | Request, Order | Use this form if you want to make a request to the court that does not require service on the other parties to the case (Md. Rule 3-311) AND is not available on another judiciary form (requests for: change of address, continuance/postponement, accommodation, or interpreter all have their own form). |
DC-002 | Motion/Certificate of Service/Order | Use this form to ask the court to give an order that the court or another party to the case do something. You must file your written motion with the court. You must also serve a copy to the other parties in the case by first class mail or hand delivery. |
DC-004S | Notice of Intent to Subpoena Medical Records | Use this form to give notice to a party of a case who is receiving health care (patient) that their medical records have been subpoenaed in reference to a District Court case pursuant to § 4-306 of the Health-General Article. |
DC-017 | Request for Appraisal by Sheriff/Certificate of Service/Appraisal by Court | Use this form to request appraisal of your vehicle which was seized during a criminal action. |
DC-024 | Complaint and Affidavit: Application for Forfeiture of Contraband Money | Use this form if you are a forfeiting authority in possession of seized monies of a defendant in which the property is alleged to be associated with criminal activity and presumed to be subject to forfeiture. |
DC-028 | Uniform Civil Citation - Sample | This is a sample of a Uniform Civil Citation, which may be issued to a defendant who is 18 years or older for violations of certain civil codes, statutes, municipal infractions, or local ordinances. |
DC-034 | Application to Inspect Public Records | Use this form to request to view public court records in person at a District Court for one (1) case. Case types include: traffic, criminal, civil, and other case records. If you wish to view multiple cases, complete the DC-034A to list all cases. |
DC-034A | Addendum to Application to Inspect Public Records | Use this form to request to view public court records in person at a District Court for multiple cases. |
DC-046 | Public Request for Records Stored at Maryland State Archives | Use this form to request to request copies of District Court civil or criminal case records stored at the Maryland State Archives. |
DC-056 | Affidavit of Equity Verification - Collateral Posted in District Court or Circuit Court | Use this form if you are a property surety posting a property bond in District Court to report any outstanding bail bonds associated with that specific property in the District Court or circuit courts. |
DC-065 | Address Change Request | Use this form to request to change your address on record with the court in the District Court where your case is scheduled or will be heard. NOTE: The Post Office will not forward District Court mail and updating your address with MVA does not update your address with the court. |
DC-086 | Application for the Appointed Attorneys Program | Use this form if you are an attorney and wish to apply to the Appointed Attorneys Program. Visit mdcourts.gov/appointedattorneys for more information about the District Court of Maryland Appointed Attorneys Program. |
DC-099 | District Court Commissioner Application for Representation by the Public Defender | Use this form to apply for a Public Defender to represent you in a criminal or traffic case that carries a penalty of incarceration, and you cannot afford an attorney. You will need to provide information about your income, expenses, and assets. ![]()
MDJ-004 | Application for Party Access to Electronic Case Records | Use this form if you are a party in a case to request remote access to electronic case records. NOTE: Every case may not have electronic records available. |
MDJ-004 C | Judiciary Contractor's Application for Elevated Access to Electronic Case Records | Note: MDJ-004C must be accompanied by MDJ-010 (Confidentiality Notice) |
MDJ-004 DRU | Application for Access to Electronic Case Records by Designated Registered User of a Corporation or Business Entity | |||
MDJ-004 GI | Guardianship Investigator's Application for Elevated Access to Electronic Case Records | Note: MDJ-004GI must be accompanied by MDJ-010 (Confidentiality Notice) |
MDJ-005 | Certificate of Filing | |||
MDJ-008 | Notice Regarding Restricted Information Pursuant to Rule 20-201.1 |
MDJ-009 | Notice of Entry of Appearance for Victim or Victim's Representative | |||
MDJ-010 | Confidentiality Agreement for Applicants of Enhanced Access |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
CC-DC-077 | General Waiver and Release - for use with shielding of domestic violence and peace order records | Use this form if requesting to shield domestic violence (CC-DC-DV-021 A or B) or peace order (CC-DC-PO-016 A or B) records and it is earlier than three (3) years after the denial or dismissal of the petition or after the consent expires. This is a release of all the requesting party’s claims for damages relating to this proceeding and any and all tort claims that may arise out of this proceeding. |
CC-DC-DV-001 | Petition For Protection From Domestic Violence/Child Abuse/Vulnerable Adult Abuse | Use this form to ask the court for a protective order. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/dv. |
CC-DC-DV-001A | Protective Order Addendum | Use this form to provide law enforcement with a physical description of a respondent. Learn more at mdcourt.gov/dv. |
CC-DC-DV-001B | Definition of Terms (for Use With Petition For Protection from Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, and Vulnerable Adult Abuse) | Use this instruction form to become familiar with legal terms in protective order cases. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/dv. |
CC-DC-DV-004 | Financial Statement | Use this form in a domestic violence case. |
CC-DC-DV-006 | Petition To Modify/Rescind/Extend Protective Order | Use this form to change an existing protective order. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/dv. |
CC-DC-DV-007 | Petition For Contempt (Violation of Protective Order) | Use this form if you believe a respondent has violated a protective order. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/dv. |
CC-DC-DV-016 | Request to Register Out-of-State Order of Protection (Family Law 4-508.1) | Use this form to ask the court to recognize and out-of-state protective order. |
CC-DC-DV-018 | Petition for Permanent Protection from Domestic Violence | Use this form to ask the court for a permanent protective order. |
CC-DC-DV-019 | Request for Waiver of Appearance | Use this form to ask the court to waive your appearance until the respondent is served with a temporary protective order. |
CC-DC-DV-021A | Request to Shield Denied or Dismissed Protective Order Records | Use this form to ask the court to shield court records in a protective order case. |
CC-DC-DV-021B | Request to Shield Consented to Protective Order Records | Use the form to ask the court to shield information in a protective order case in which the respondent consented to the order. |
CC-DC-DV-025 | Motion for Service by Clerk Concerning Request to Shield Protective Order Records | Use this form in a case involving shielding information in protective order records. |
CC-DC-DV-026 | Request to Withhold My Address From Public Access (Protective Order) | Use this form if disclosing your address on a Protective Order petition would put you at risk of further harm. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/addressprivacy. |
CC-DC-DV-PO-001BR | Peace & Protective Order Brochure | Information on how to file for a peace or protective order. See more information at mdcourts.gov/dv or mdcourts.gov/peaceorders. |
DC-DV-PO-001C | Petition for Protection/Peace Order Continuation Sheet | Use this form if you need more space to explain the facts in a protective order or peace order case. |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
CC-DC-077 | General Waiver and Release - for use with shielding of domestic violence and peace order records | Use this form if requesting to shield domestic violence (CC-DC-DV-021 A or B) or peace order (CC-DC-PO-016 A or B) records and it is earlier than three (3) years after the denial or dismissal of the petition or after the consent expires. This is a release of all the requesting party’s claims for damages relating to this proceeding and any and all tort claims that may arise out of this proceeding. |
CC-DC-DV-PO-001BR | Peace & Protective Order Brochure | Information on how to file for a peace or protective order. See more information at mdcourts.gov/dv or mdcourts.gov/peaceorders. |
CC-DC-PO-001A | Addendum to Peace Order Petition | Use this form to provide law enforcement with a description of a respondent for service of process. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/peaceorders. |
CC-DC-PO-006 | Petition To Modify/Rescind/Extend Peace Order | Use this form to change an existing peace order. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/peaceorders. |
CC-DC-PO-016A | Request to Shield Denied or Dismissed Peace Order Records | Use this form to ask the court to shield from public inspection information in a peace order proceeding in which the court denied or dismissed the case. Do NOT use this form for protective order cases or in cases in which the court granted a final peace order. The court will schedule a hearing and notify you and the other party. |
CC-DC-PO-016B | Request to Shield Consented to Peace Order Records | Use this form to ask the court to shield from public inspection information in a peace order case in which the respondent agreed to the order without a trial. Do NOT use this form for protective order cases or in final peace order cases in which the court denied/dismissed the request.
CC-DC-PO-019 | Motion for Service by Clerk Concerning Request to Shield Peace Order Records | |||
CC-DC-PO-021 | Request to Withhold my Address from Public Access | Use this form if disclosing your address on a Peace Order petition would put you at risk of further harm. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/addressprivacy. |
DC-DV-PO-001C | Petition for Protection/Peace Order Continuation Sheet | Use this form if you need more space to explain the facts in a protective order or peace order case. |
DC-PO-001 | Petition for Peace Order | ![]() Use this form to ask the court to grant a peace order. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/peaceorders. |
DC-PO-001S | Peace Order Supplement | Use this form in a peace order case. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/peaceorders. |
DC-PO-007 | Petition For Contempt (Peace Order) | Use this form to tell the court that an individual has violated a peace order. Learn more at mdcourts.gov/peaceorders. |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
CC-DC-CR-001S | Confidential Supplement | Use this form to request the shielding of your address and telephone number if you are a victim, complainant, or a witness in a criminal case. |
CC-DC-CR-017 | Notice of Appeal for Criminal Matters | |||
CC-DC-CR-072A | Petition for Expungement of Records - Acquittal, Dismissal, etc. | 5 |
Use this form to petition for the expungement of court records in your case was based on an acquittal (found not guilty), dismissal, probation before judgment, nolle prosequi, stet, not criminally responsible or transfer to juvenile disposition. |
CC-DC-CR-072B | Petition for Expungement of Records (Non-Marijuana/Cannabis Related Offenses)- Guilty Disposition | 5 |
CC-DC-CR-072BR | Expungement Brochure | CLICK HERE for more information on the expungement process. |
CC-DC-CR-072C | Petition For Expungement Of Records Acquittal, Dismissal, Not Guilty, Or Nolle Prosequi (Less Than 3 Years Has Passed Since Disposition) | NOTE: As of 10/01/2021 this form has been created due to legislation passed during the 2021 Legislative Session. The new law allows for the automatic expungement of charges with dispositions of acquittal, dismissal, not guilty or nolle prosequi (NP) after 3 years and allows for the filing of a petition to expunge these dispositions within 3 years. |
CC-DC-CR-072D | Petition for Expungement of Records (Marijuana/Cannabis Related Offenses) | |||
CC-DC-CR-072G1 | Guide to Expungement of Nuisance Crimes | This form lists the charges and timeframes to be eligible to expunge nuisance crimes (drinking alcohol or sleeping in public, panhandling, loitering, or using transit without payment, for example) under Criminal Procedural Article § 10-105. |
CC-DC-CR-072G2 | List of Expungeable Charges Under Criminal Procedure Article 10-110 | This form lists the charges and timeframes to be eligible to expunge certain convictions under Criminal Procedure Article § 10-110. |
CC-DC-CR-078 | General Waiver and Release - for use with expungements | 5 | Use this form if requesting to expunge records based on an acquittal, nolle prosequi, or dismissal and it is earlier than three (3) years after the disposition to waive all officers, agents, and employees involved in your arrest, detention, or confinement. |
CC-DC-CR-109 | Consent to Treatment | This document is used to provide your written consent to receive treatment at a residential or out-patient program recommended and arranged by the Maryland Department of Health (MDH) and to have information regarding your evaluation, treatment, and counseling reported back to the court. |
CC-DC-CR-148 | Petition for Shielding Under MD Second Chance Act | 5 | Use this form to petition the court to shield records relating to the conviction of specified crimes inaccessible by members of the public under the Maryland Second Chance Act. CLICK HERE for more information on the Shielding Criminal Records. |
CC-DC-CR-148A | Guide for Shielding of MD Second Chance Act Records | This form outlines information relating to shielding your convictions from the public under the Maryland Second Chance Act, the difference between expungement and shielding, and who can still see shielded records. |
CC-DC-CR-151 | Request for Access to Shielded Second Chance Act Record(s) | 3 | Use this form to request access to shielded records as a person or entity who is entitled to have full access under the Maryland Second Chance Act. |
CC-DC-CR-155 | State’s Notice of Intent to Seek Subsequent Offender Penalties | |||
CC-DC-CR-156 | State’s Notice of Intent to Seek Additional Penalty for Test Refusal | |||
CC-DC-CR-157 | State’s Notice of Intent to Seek Mandatory Sentence | |||
CC-DC-CR-158 | Motion to Vacate Judgment of Conviction Under Criminal Procedure § 8-302 | Motion to vacate judgment for 24 qualifying offenses if the person's participation in the offense was a direct result of being a victim of human trafficking. The motion must be in writing, within a reasonable period of time after the conviction, and describe the evidence and include copies of any documents showing the movant is entitled to relief. The motion must be served on the State's Attorney where the conviction for the qualifying offense occurred, and must be mailed to a victim or victim's representative if the qualifying offense occurred within 5 years before the filing of the motion. |
CC-DC-CR-170 | Probation Agreement Deferring Further Judgment | |||
DC-CR-001BR | Criminal Information Brochure for Complainant | |||
DC-CR-002BR | Criminal Information Brochure for Defendant | |||
DC-CR-033 | Petition for Determination of Eligibility for Counsel | Use this form if you were denied representation by the Office of the Public Defender and you do not agree with the initial determination. |
DC-CR-044 | Application for Statement of Charges for Bad Check | 5 | Use this form to apply for charges against someone who has issued a bad check where there was an immediate exchange of good or services and a bank or institution refused to pay the check due to insufficient funds or when an account does not exist, is closed, or has a hold on it. NOTE: Payments under a contract, such as checks for rent, utilities, or car payments are not bad check violations. Debtors must be pursued through civil litigation in these instances. Check with the District Court commissioner to see if criminal charges can be initiated. |
DC-CR-044A | Continuation Sheet - Bad Check Charge/Application for Statement of Charges/Statement of Probable Cause | 4 | Use this form as a continuation sheet for the Application for Statement of Charges for Bad Checks (DC-CR-044). |
DC-CR-045 | Uniform Criminal Citation - Sample | This is a sample of a Uniform Criminal Citation in which may be issued to a defendant who is 18 years or older for violations of certain petty misdemeanor criminal codes and statutes. The law also requires the defendant to meet certain criteria to not charge them on a statement of charges and to be released without approval by a District Court commissioner. |
DC-CR-071 | Form 4-503.3 Application for Expungement of Police Record | Use this form to apply to have police records expunged if you previously requested that a law enforcement agency expunge your police record relating to an incident and you were issued a Notice of Denial of Request for Expungement or you have not been notified of any action taken and it has been more than 60 days after receipt of the Notice and Request for Expungement. NOTE: Effective 10/1/2007, if you were detained by a police agency, but were released without being charged, records will automatically be expunged within 60 days after release. |
DC-CR-165 | Petition by Owner or Custodian for the Return of Seized Animal(s) | |||
DC-CR-166 | Petition To Join Proceeding For The Return Of Seized Animal(s) | |||
DC-CR-167 | Petition for Continued Possession and Reasonable Costs for Care of Seized Livestock | |||
DC-CR-168 | Petition For Disbursement Of Seized Animal(s) Proceeding Funds Or Termination Of Ordered Payments |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
CC-DC-CR-010 | Affidavit of Bail Bondsman | Use this form if you are a professional bail bondsperson and are posting a bond for a defendant (Md. Rule 4-217). |
DCA-102 | Assignment of Bond | Use this form if you are a surety who have posted a bond and are requesting the bond be used to pay fines/costs, restitution, and/or be sent to a specific person wish the bond amount to be assigned to pay fines/costs or restitution. |
DC-CR-037 | Petition to Strike Bond Forfeiture/Extend Period for Satisfaction | 5 | Use this form to petition the court to order a bond forfeiture stricken, and the civil judgment satisfied, for good cause shown OR to extend the period for satisfaction of the bond from 90 days after the date of the defendant's failure to appear to 180 days, for good cause shown. |
DC-CR-130 | Affidavit of Uncompensated Surety | Use this document if you are posting a bond for a defendant and you have not received compensation, charge any fees, and/or no collateral has been pledged with the execution of the bond. |
DC-CR-135 | Petition for Remission of Bond Forfeiture | Use this form to petition for the refund of bond monies previously forfeited and collected as revenue for the state (less any expenses of the state in producing the defendant) if: the forfeiture was paid within the allowed timeframe of 90 (or 180) days; the surety produces evidence the defendant was incarcerated when the civil judgment was entered; OR the court strikes the judgment of forfeiture for fraud, mistake, or irregularity. |
DC-CV-039 | Bond | |||
DC-CV-094 | Declaration of Trust of Real Estate to Secure Performance of a Bail Bond | |||
JPR-003 | Professional Bondsman/Agent Information | Use this form if you are a professional bondsperson/agent to provide or and need to update your contact information with District Court Headquarters, to be included on the required list of bail bondsmen authorized to write bail bond in the state (Md. Rule 4-217(d))the court. |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
CC-DC-CV-032 | Request For Order Directing Judgment Debtor Or Other Person To Appear For Examination In Aid Of Enforcement Of Judgment | |
CC-DC-CV-090 | Assignment of Judgment | |||
CC-DC-CV-110 | Certification of Custodian of Records or Other Qualified Individual | 2 | ||
CC-DC-CV-111 | Notice of Intent to Terminate Writ of Garnishment of Property Other Than Wages | |||
CC-DC-CV-112 | Request for Termination of Writ of Garnishment of Property Other Than Wages | |||
CC-DC-CV-114 | Judgment Debtor (Defendant) Information Sheet | |||
DC-CV-001BR | Small Claims Brochure | CLICK HERE for more information on Small Claims filed in the District Court. |
DC-CV-001D BR | I Owe Money and Dealing with Debt Brochure | |||
DC-CV-001 | Complaint/Application and Affidavit in Support of Judgment |
NOTE: This form has been revised as of 10/01/2023. See Public Notice for additional details |
DC-CV-002 | Request For Service/Order For Service/Proof of Service | |||
DC-CV-004 | Show Cause Order in Action of Replevin/Notice to Defendant/Order and Writ of Replevin | 4 | ||
DC-CV-004BR | Replevin and Detinues Brochure | |||
DC-CV-005 | Request for an Order for the Issuance of a Writ of Attachment Before Judgment | |||
DC-CV-006 | Plaintiff's Affidavit to Secure Service by Posting or Publication | |||
DC-CV-007 | Notice of Publication | |||
DC-CV-008 | Notice of Publication or Posting | |||
DC-CV-010 | Request for Summons/Summons Renewal | 2 |
DC-CV-015 | Request to File Foreign Judgment | |||
DC-CV-020 | Property Damage Affidavit | |||
DC-CV-021 | Notice of Dismissal | |||
DC-CV-023 | Request to Renew Judgment | |||
DC-CV-030 | Motion and Order Compelling Answers to Interrogatories in Aid of Execution | 3 |
DC-CV-031 | Notice of Satisfaction | 3 |
DC-CV-033 | Request for Show Cause Order for Contempt | |||
DC-CV-034 | Request for Transmittal of Judgment | |||
DC-CV-035 | Request to File Notice of Lien/Notice of Lien of Attachment Before Judgment/Notice of Lien of Judgment/Notice of Modification or Renewal of Lien | |||
DC-CV-036 | Motion for Release of Property From Levy/Garnishment or to Exempt Property from Execution | |||
DC-CV-037 | Civil Appeal/Request for Transcript | |||
DC-CV-040 | Request for Writ of Execution | 3 | ||
DC-CV-048 | Request for Writ of Possession | |||
DC-CV-049 | Claimant's Motion | |||
DC-CV-051 | Motion for Order Declaring Judgment Satisfied | |||
DC-CV-051A | Motion for First Class Mail Service of Plaintiff / Judgment Creditor | |||
DC-CV-051B | Proof of Service - Motion for Order Declaring Judgment Satisfied | |||
DC-CV-052 | Request for Order to Release Wages/Property | |||
DC-CV-060 | Request for Writ of Garnishment of Property Other Than Wages | 5 | ||
DC-CV-060BR | Post-Judgment Collection Brochure | CLICK HERE for more information on Collecting on a Judgment. |
DC-CV-061 | Garnishee's Confession of Assets of Property Other than Wages | |||
DC-CV-062 | Request for Judgment - Garnishment | |||
DC-CV-062A | Request for Trial - Garnishment | |||
DC-CV-065 | Request for Writ of Garnishment of Wages | 3 | ||
DC-CV-065BR | Wage Garnishment Brochure | |||
DC-CV-066 | Judgment Creditor's Monthly Report | |||
DC-CV-093 | Agreement After Oral Exam | |||
DC-CV-104 | Complaint for Judgment by Confession | |||
DC-CV-106 | Complaint - Assigned Consumer Debt | 2 | NOTE: This form has been revised as of 10/01/2023. See Public Notice for additional details |
DC-CV-107 | Important Notice Regarding Private Process Servers | |||
DC-CV-113 | Declaration of Compliance with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, And Economic Security Act (2020) | Form used to state compliance with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). The CARES Act provides a temporary moratorium on eviction filings, as well as other protections for tenants in certain covered properties. |
DC-CV-118 | Judgment Creditor's Motion for Release of Garnishment |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
CC-DC-ERPO-006 | Petition to Modify/Rescind/Extend Extreme Risk Protective Order | Use this form to change an existing extreme risk protective order. |
DC-ERPO-001 | Petition for Extreme Risk Protective Order | Use this form to ask the court for an extreme risk protective order. CLICK HERE for more information on Extreme Risk Protective Orders. |
DC-ERPO-001A | Addendum to Petition for Extreme Risk Protective Order | Use this form to provide law enforcement with a description of a respondent in an extreme protective order case. |
DC-ERPO-001B | Addendum to Petition for Extreme Risk Protective Order Summary of Respondent's Behavior & Mental Health History | Use this form when asking the court for an extreme risk protective order. |
DC-ERPO-001BR | Extreme Risk Protective Order Brochure |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
DCA-027 BR | Transcripts and Recordings | |||
DCA-040 | Purchase Order - Civil Forms | Use this form to order packages (100 forms per package) of specific civil forms from the District Court Warehouse. Forms available for purchase using this form include: DC-CV-001, DC-CV-002, DC-CV-031, DC-CV-032, DC-CV-040, DC-CV-060, DC-CV-065, DC-CV-081, and the DC-CV-082. NOTE: You can pick up a single form FREE at the District Court location nearest you. |
DCA-040A | Purchase Order - Miscellaneous Forms | 4 | Use this form to order packages (100 forms per package) of miscellaneous forms that do not appear on the Purchase Order - Civil Forms (DCA-040) from the District Court Warehouse. NOTE: You can pick up a single form FREE at the District Court location nearest you. |
DCA-107 | Obtaining Civil Judgment and Satisfaction Data | Use this form to request bulk District Court civil judgments and satisfactions data. |
DCA-109 | Cost Schedule | This form outlines the cost and fees associated with filing certain cases in the District Court. |
DCA-109A | Guide to Appeal Fees | This form outlines the fees associated with filing an appeal in various case types, the amount payable to each trial court, and the number of days to file the appeal. |
DCA-119 | Request for CD Recording/Transcript | Use this form to request a copy of a compact disc (CD) / electronic recording or a written transcript of a case. NOTE: A typed transcript may be obtained only when the person making the request has appealed a District Court judgment in a civil case where the amount of the claim is more than $5,000. Recordings on compact disc format may be requested by anyone. |
DCA-123 | Appointed Attorney Invoice (For use after 01/01/2025) | Use this form if you are an appointed attorney to request payment for compensation and mileage, parking, and/or tolls (if applicable). NOTE: Follow the step-by-step instructions on page 2 to complete the form. This will aid in the timely processing of your invoice. |
DCA-123 | Appointed Attorney Invoice (For use before 01/01/2025) | Use this form if you are an appointed attorney to request payment for compensation and mileage, parking, and/or tolls (if applicable). NOTE: Follow the step-by-step instructions on page 2 to complete the form. This will aid in the timely processing of your invoice. |
DCA-131 | Request for Traffic Violation(s) Installment Payment Plan | Use this form to request an installment payment plan from the court clerk if you: have outstanding traffic citation fine(s) that total at least $150.00 and agree to make monthly installment payments of 10% of the total fine. |
DCA-133 | Notice Regarding Traffic Violation(s) Installment Payment Plans | This form outlines the requirements relating to applying for an installment payment plan and the terms of the agreement. |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
DC-CR-090 | Schedule of Preset Motor Vehicle Fines | This document lists the preset traffic fines for certain violations for motor vehicles and other laws set forth in the Annotated Code of MD. |
DNR Fine Schedule | Natural Resources Fine Schedule |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
DC-CV-080 | Complaint and Summons Against Tenant Holding Over | |||
DC-CV-081 | Petition For Warrant of Restitution | 5 | NOTE: This form has been revised as of 10/01/2023. See Public Notice for additional details |
DC-CV-081PG | Petition for Warrant of Restitution (Efiling Version - PG Co. Only) | For more information about e-filing in Prince George's County, CLICK HERE |
DC-CV-082 BR | Information for Landlords Brochure | CLICK HERE for more information on Housing Cases. |
DC-CV-082 BRFS | Failure to Pay Rent Fact Sheet | |||
DC-CV-082MH | Failure to Pay Park Owner's Complaint for Repossession of Rented Property | 5 | ||
DC-CV-082 | Failure to Pay Rent / Landlord's Complaint for Repossession of Rented Property | 5 | ||
DC-CV-082T BR | Information for Tenants Brochure | CLICK HERE for more information on Housing Cases. |
DC-CV-083 | Complaint for Rent Escrow and Breach of Warranty of Habitability | |
DC-CV-085 | Complaint and Summons Against Tenant in Breach of Lease | 5 | ||
DC-CV-086 | Petition for Levy in Distress | |||
DC-CV-087 | Motion to Sell Distrained Goods | |||
DC-CV-088 | Motion for Order to Follow Goods Under Distress | |||
DC-CV-089 | Complaint for Wrongful Detainer | NOTE: This form has been revised as of 10/01/2023. See Public Notice for additional details |
DC-CV-109 | Complaint for Grantor in Possession | |||
DC-CV-113 | Declaration of Compliance with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, And Economic Security Act (2020) | Form used to state compliance with the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (“CARES Act”). The CARES Act provides a temporary moratorium on eviction filings, as well as other protections for tenants in certain covered properties. |
DC-CV-115 | Notice of Intent to File a Complaint for Summary Ejectment (Failure to Pay Rent) | |||
DC-CV-116 | Request To Shield Court Records Related To Repossession Of Residential Property For Failure To Pay Rent | |||
DC-CV-120 | Petition for Injunction |
Form Number | Title | Last Revised | Copies to Court | Notes |
DR-049E | Maryland Uniform Complaint and Citation (Electronic Version) | |||
DR-049O | Maryland Uniform and Citation Option Form | |||
DR-049 | Maryland Uniform Complaint and Citation (Handwritten) |